Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Evaluation of your blog so far.

So far, I think that my blog has been looking good. Although I do believe that it has some potential for creativity to jump out at the reader some more. I have taken the advice from the professor when it comes to adding visuals. As a reader, I know that when I am reading a blog, it is important that there is some type of visual that pops out to me. Therefore, I am able to make a connection with the text. I have examined some other peoples blogs and have found where my mistakes are. I am at the moment still flustered with new ideas to improve the blog. I can say that I am satisfied with the progress so far.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Visual Success

In this picture, we can see that the message is very clear. By putting up the cover of Michael Jackson's cd, we know that they are promoting his album. The audience should have no problem figuring out exactly what the message is. Its simple, go out and by Micheal's album!!!!!!!

Visual Miscue (Misunderstood)!!!!!

This is a visual of the new face for the Sony Ericsson phone. I was reading a statement where a person had said that they thought that the advertisement was for the model alone. They continued to say that later on, they realized the connection the model and the phone had. Despite, the words on the ad, sometimes we can confuse our audience if our pictures dont coincide with the our words.